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Airtel free browsing cheat 2021


Image of airtel logo

A new cheat is firering this year as  you can now browse for free with your airtel sim just by using vpn this airtel free browsing cheat 2021 works on all airtel sim even if you don't have data but if you don't have an airtel sim, no worries you can check out other posts which will work for you

See more: free-browsing-apps best-apps-and-sites

In other for this trick to be able to work for you there are things which you must consider. 

* your phone just be at least 3G and must not be less than that, anything less than that might result to this airtel free browsing cheat 2021 not working for you if you have a 4G phone that's also okay but make sure your phone is not 2G, to know if your phone is 3G compatible go to your phone dialer and enter *#*#4636#*#* then select phone information.

* it doesn't matter if there is no data on your phone, most people think vpn needs data to work, yea they do but not the free browsing vpn, the free browsing vpn doesn't require you to have data on your phone before it will connect all you need is just to switch on your data connection and connect the vpn

* Another thing which you need to know that most of this vpn free data are capped daily so as soon as you use the vpn free data to the daily limit, the vpn will disconnect and you won't be able to connetct till the next day so this airtel cheat is capped at 500mb daily so as you're using it you will be seeing its usage once its get to the 500mb it will disconnect so just chill and wait for the next day.

See more:How to get 200mb for #50 on mtn

Requirements for the airtel cheat

3g or 4g phone

An Android phone

Opera mini handler Download opera mini handler

Opera mini handler logo

Features of opera mini handler 

It is free to use and it also serves as a free browser which can be used to surf the internet for free.

* it can work for free without data or airtime.

* opera mini handle is supported in many countries like Ghana, Nigeria, united states, Philippines and ukrane.

settings for opera mini handler airtel free browsing 2021

Opera mini handler setting

1 Download the opera mini handler from the link above and open it on your phone.

2 Go to the handler menu and tick remove proxy.

3 proxy type: Real host

4 proxy server: mini5-7.opera-mini.net

5 Then tap on save and open any website in the browser to start browsing absolutely free.

If it doesn't work check that your phone network connection is strong then try again, this cheat only works inside the vpn and does not give you access to use other apps with it's free data. 

You can only browse with the web browser which is available in the opera mini handler and cannot use the free data connection on other apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, telegram etc.

If you need latest vpn which can allow you to use the data for all the apps on your phone you can check out this post3 vpn which gives you free data daily

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