In the internet era which we are now many people want to work on the internet there are many people who work on the internet on daily basis some market their products on the internet and some people go online to make money others just use the internet to gain more knowledge and information about a particular thing.
Being on the internet comes at a cost as many people can't afford the data subscription to be online therefore I have come to show you the way by which you can connect to the internet for free just by using a vpn.
Vpn(virtual private network) which protects your identity when browsing and also makes you to access websites which have been restricted by the government there are free vpn and paid vpn but this vpn protects your identity online and still let you access the website without any data on your phone.
Stark vpn is a vpn which which let's you access websites for free, when you connect it, it let's you connect to the internet without data and you can use it for anything but depending on your network the data which the vpn offers per day is limited if you're using mtn then you can only use 50 MB per day if its airtel you can use up to 500mb but for 9mobile its 1gb after you use above data to the limit it will disconnect until the second day before you will be able to use it again.
Download the vpn from your Google play store or app store then when you open the vpn select the tweak option and select your network which has your country flag enjoyπ